Submission deadline is March 31, 2025.
Robert’s Recurring Nightmares guidelines
Thank you for choosing to submit to the seventh annual Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers (GLAHW) mini-anthology.
We are looking for horror fiction, between 2,000 and 5,000 words, along with the following requirements.
1. A character named Robert. The character can be the protagonist, antagonist, monster, victim, friend, etc. As long as he, she, it, or they play a significant, if not pivotal, role in the story.
2. The story must make a reference to Mechanical Watch. Whether it is the setting of the story, part of the backstory for a character, or a passing reference, A mechanical watch and Robert should have some importance to the story.
We will be editing the stories, but we will not make any changes without first discussing them with you, the writer. We’re writers, too, and we know what it’s like to have our stories altered without our consent. We won’t do that to you.
Having said that, however, we will try our best to make each of the stories in this anthology the best they can be. So, if we give you notes, we’d appreciate it if you’d consider them carefully.
We’re not saying you have to agree with us (We’ve had plenty of writers argue with us, and sometimes, we see their point and concede the edit). Just that you listen.
The cover art for Recurring Nightmares will be handled by the talented Steve Bejma
Please submit all stories to
The subject line should read Submission: Robert’s Recurring Nightmares.
Stories should be submitted as an attachment in either MS Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Please follow proper manuscript format. If you don’t know what proper manuscript format is, please follow this link.
GLAHW will not consider any submissions written, developed, or assisted by the use of AI, Artificial Intelligence, tools. If you submit any these works, you run the risk of being banned from submitting works in the future.
Include a short 100-150 word bio either in your email or at the end of your story. **If there is no bio, one will not be included in the story.
** Stories not following proper formatting will be deleted unread.**
We are asking for non-exclusive North American Print and Digital Rights for six months from the date of publication.
No reprints are being accepted.
All acceptances will receive one (1) Contributor’s Copy and our humble thanks. We’re happy to mail it to you anywhere in the U.S. Authors outside the U.S., you will get our eternal thanks and a digital copy.
Accepted members will be able to purchase more copies at a greatly discounted price to sell or give away.
This is a charity anthology where we raise money for the Dominican Literacy Center. This happens thanks to the proceeds from the raffle ticket sales along with a portion of the sales from the published anthology.
Return Time
The reading period will begin at the close of the submission period; however, time permitting, some may be read sooner. You will hear from our editors one way or another.
If you are accepted, you may be asked to perform edits for clarity. These will need to be returned within a week so we can begin final formatting.
The expected publishing date is Fall 2025. We’re looking forward to reading your work.
M.C. St. John, Editor & J.M. Van Horn, Editor