Ghostlight: The Magazine of Terror is a magazine devoted to horror fiction, art, and poetry. It is published once a year (Spring) by the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers. Unlike Erie Tales, Ghostlight: The Magazine of Terror is open to all writers, poets, and artists. It is edited by our very own Nicole e. Castle.
We specialize in horror in all its guises, particularly for adult audiences. We’re open to most settings and themes, from historical, modern, supernatural, and even the future. We want our writers to push the boundaries of horror. We need writing that will challenge, scare and surprise our readers; stories and poetry that will make us gasp at the end and haunt us for a long time afterward. Thrill and fright are what our readers want!
If you have any questions not covered in the guidelines, please feel free to contact Nicole at: GhostlightEditor@glahw.com
Submissions are open from September 1 to December 1.