Peggy Christie – Secretary
Peggy has been writing horror fiction since 1999. Her work has appeared in several websites, magazine, and anthologies, including Necrotic Tissue, The New Flesh, Black Ink Horror, Elements of Horror, andVicious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes. Her short story, “Why Be Normal?”, opened the anthologyReckless Abandon from Catalyst Press, which premiered at the HorrorFind Con in 2002. She also has her own webpage.
She loves chocolate, longs walks on the beach, warm windy days, experimenting with various ways to remove skin from the human body, and waiting for the call to join the underground justice league in charge of exacting justice on animal abusers and people who drive 40 mph in the left lane with their blinker on.
Peggy lives in Michigan with her husband and their two dogs, Roscoe P. Coltrane and Dozer.
Peggy Christie’s Author Page on Amazon (Personal Website)
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