Hey folks. For those who may have missed out on the chance to submit a horror radio play to the WildClaw Theater this year, they sent me a list of other places that accept plays and short stories. Some are horror/Halloween specific, others are any genre throughout the year. So take a gander and maybe try your hand at one of these!
- Paris, France-based Little Wonder Radio Hour is currently taking short radio play submissions in any genre through August 31st for a live performance in December (mon dieu!) Complete details at their site: https://www.aboutwriting.org/little-wonder-radio-plays/little-wonder-writers-competition/
- Chicago’s Small Fish Radio Theatre and Thespinarium is currently taking horror submissions through September 15th for their annual live Halloween show. Complete details available at their website: http://www.smallfishradio.com/submissions-horror-2018.html
- If your curiosity extends beyond the page all the way into the recording booth, you may be interested in organizing a group to participate in 11th Hour Productions annual short horror audio marathon in celebration of Audio Drama Day, October 30th. Details at their site: http://www.11thhouraudio.com/about/
- Chicago’s The Whiskey Radio Hour takes rolling submissions of short radio plays in any genre for their live quarterly productions. Complete details here: https://www.whiskeyradiohour.com/submit/
- Columbus, Ohio-based Midnight Audio Theatre hosts an annual short audio drama competition. Complete details for year 8 should be available on their site later this fall: http://midnightaudiotheatre.com
- We hope you’ll stay tuned for future ADPP scriptwriting competitions, as well! You can learn more about them through https://www.audiodramanetwork.org/
- And last but certainly not least, the NoSleep podcast is a standard-bearer for year-round horror audio storytelling. You can learn about their submissions process, including special themed episodes, through their website here: https://www.thenosleeppodcast.com/submissions
In case you’ve never written a radio play before (*raises hand*) and are asking, “What the hell am I supposed to do?,” check out this link from the BBC. I can’t recall exactly, but I think this is the same link WildClaw provides on their own page. Happy writing!