Ghostlight, the Magazine of Terror is thrilled to announce the TOC for the Summer Issue, available August, 2015.
“Grotesque” by Rie Sheridan Rose (photography, Cover)
“The Sea is in My Blood” by Deborah Walker
“Cadaver Dog” by Robert Borski
“The Burn Pile” by R.M. Warren
“Shadowed Grate” by Rie Sheridan Rose (photography)
“The Mark of Gratitude” by T.W. Garland
“forever fields” by Benjamin Thomas
“The Patch” by Heather Mydosh
“Talk Monster” by Jeffrey H. MacLachlan
“Fertile Ground” by John Teel
“Appetites” by Ken MacGregor
“Soul Text” by Michael Aronovitz
“Let’s Play Souls” by Kenneth Jobe
“Number One, Regarding Visibility” by Becky Marietta
“Crapgod” by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt
“Gretel” by Robert Borski
“In His Image” by Joshua Rex
Ghostlight, the Magazine of Terror , edited by Nicole Castle, is a magazine devoted to horror fiction, art, and poetry. It is published twice a year (Summer and Winter) by Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers. Unlike Erie Tales, Ghostlight: The Magazine of Terror is open to all writers.