by MontiLee | Oct 1, 2022 | 31 Days of Halloween, Movies, Nearly Expert Advice
Another trip around the sun and Our Time has come round again. Yes, it’s time to dust off our “decorative ” bear traps and make sure the oubliette has been scrubbed down and rinsed out, and double-check that our outdoor crafts are just creepy enough...
by Michael St. John | Sep 11, 2022 | Anthologies
Nightscript is a yearly anthology of “strange and darksome” literary horror edited and published by author C.M. Muller. Nightscript 8 will include GLAHW member M.C. St. John’s story “Kindling” within its eldritch pages....
by MontiLee | Oct 25, 2021 | 31 Days of Halloween, Nearly Expert Advice
When I thought about what movies I wanted to present I was torn between Ghost Stories and Possession. In a way, they’re two sides of the same horror currency – both representing a loss of control, whether it’s of a piece of property or one’s own soul. You can’t reason...
by MontiLee | Oct 18, 2021 | 31 Days of Halloween, Movies, Nearly Expert Advice
Check your lunar calendars—this week, the moon is full and ready to go to the dogs. Throughout history and across continents, from ancient creation myths to modern social hysteria, the werewolf is the enduring archetype for the monster within ourselves. To their...
by PeggyC | Oct 11, 2021 | 31 Days of Halloween, Movies, Nearly Expert Advice
For anyone who knows me, it will come as no surprise that I jumped on the vampire-themed week for GLAHW’s 31 Days of Halloween. And if you don’t know me, hello. My name is Peggy, and vampires are the bees’ knees. For my movie suggestions this week, I wanted to focus...